G'day, BoS (Brother of SIFORS)! How is it going? I hope all is well. Saya Made Diah Arista Devi, akrab disapa Devi, mahasiswa prodi sistem informasi, akan membagikan informasi dan beberapa tips penting untuk membantu kalian bertahan di dunia perkualiahan.
Tingkat stress setiap orang akan bertambah seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Fenomena ini tak lepas dari meningkatnya jumlah permasalahan yang dihadapi. Mahasiswa adalah salah satu dari banyaknya kelompok masyarakat yang rentan dilanda stress. Selain diakibatkan oleh tugas perkuliahan yang terkadang terasa berat, ini juga dipengaruhi oleh perubahan gaya hidup. Menjadi mahasiswa berarti telah siap untuk menjadi dewasa, yang mana hampir sebagian besar mahasiswa harus hidup terpisah dengan keluarga, terutama orang tua. Ditambah lagi dengan harapan ataupun tekanan yang diperoleh dari lingkungan sekitar serta keluarga, menyebabkan fenomena stress tak dapat terhindarkan.
Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, hal yang dirasakan secara nyata saat dilanda stress di masa kuliah adalah susah tidur yang diakibatkan oleh overthinking. Disamping itu, semangat untuk menjalani hidup juga berkurang, sehingga untuk sekedar makan saja malas dan berakhir dengan hanya rebahan sambil memainkan handphone ย di kasur. Bahkan, teman-teman seperkuliahan terkadang melontarkan candaan yang mencerminkan isi hati mereka, seperti โMending nikah saja daripada stress kuliah muluโ dan sebagainya. Candaan ini seringkali menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa sudah berada dalam kondisi hampir menyerah karena beban kuliah. Tak jarang, stress juga dapat mengganggu produktivitas yang sampai akhirnya tak hanya mengganggu ketenangan mental, namun dapat pula mengganggu kesehatan fisik.
Nah! Disitulah dibutuhkan kesadaran dalam mengendalikan emosi. Kenapa? Karena emosi sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberadaan stress. Emosi yang sering dipendam dapat meningkatkan stress pada seseorang. Memendam emosi ibarat bom waktu yang dapat meledak kapan saja dan dimana saja. Tapi BoS udah paham belum emosi itu sebenarnya, apa? Menurut kamu, apakah emosi hanya sekedar rasa sedih ataukah hanya rasa marah? Tentu tidak!
Menurut ilmu psikologi, emosi adalah pola respon kompleks yang melibatkan pengalaman, perilaku, dan fisiologi untuk mengatasi masalah atau peristiwa penting yang dialami individu. Jadi, emosi seseorang muncul tidak berdasarkan hal-hal besar namun juga dapat dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal kecil. Kita selalu hidup dengan emosi, emosi yang muncul dapat berupa emosi positif maupun negatif.
Meskipun emosi ada di dalam diri setiap orang, tidak semua orang paham dan mengerti cara mengendalikan emosi ini. Realitanya BoS, ย mengendalikasn emosi itu tidak mudah. Memang sih, emosi itu suatu hal yang alami tetapi perlu kemampuan dalam menerapkan cara mengendalikan emosi sesuai dengan kondisi diri. Disinilah peran manajemen emosi itu diperlukan, jadi kalian harus tahu tentang manajemen emosi itu, ya!
Sederhannya, manajemen emosi itu kemampuan untuk memahami, menerima, mengendalikan dan mengekspresikan emosi seseorang. Jadi, bukan cuma cara mengendalikan emosi saja, BoS! Dengan kemampuan ini kalian mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam situasi yang memicu munculnya emosi. Kalian juga bisa lebih mengenal diri sendiri karena bisa mengenali dan mengendalikan emosi dalam diri, terutama mengurangi stress yang kalian alami. Kira-kira bagaimana cara mengendalikan emosi lewat manajemen emosi, ya? Berikut ini penjabarannya!
- Tenangkan diri
Hal pertama yang wajib kalian lakukan adalah menenangkan diri untuk meredakan emosi dan membuat pikiran fokus kembali. Dengan menangkan diri, mempermudah kalian dalam mengambil keputusan yang tepat. Kalian bisa duduk, menarik napas sejenak dan hembuskan sehingga membuat pikiran tenang.
- Berpikir positif
Terkadang saat dilanda masalah yang sulit kalian akan lebih fokus memikirkan jalan keluar terbaik. Kenyataannya, bukan masalah yang membuat reaksi negatif namun pikiran dan asumsi buruk yang kalian ciptakan sendiri. Dengan berhenti memikirkan kemungkinan terburuk akan suatu hal dan tidak membiarkan diri kalian tenggelam dalam emosi negatif. Dapat menghindari diri untuk tidak terlalu memikirkan masalah yang sebenarnya dapat sedikit membantu meringankan beban kalian.
- Kenali emosi diri
Mengenali semua emosi yang ada pada diri kalian adalah salah satu cara mengendalikan emosi diri. Emosi yang ada pada diri kalian adalah bagian dari diri kalian yang akan selalu ada. Kalian perlu mengetahui dan lebih memahami semua emosi yang ada sehingga kalian dapat mengendalikannya dengan cara yang baik dan tepat.
- Berolahraga
Olahraga dapat menstimulasi zat-zat kimia dalam otak sehingga kalian lebih rileks dan bahagia. Saat kalian berolahraga, energi kalian akan terkuras secara positif sehingga dapat mengalihkan pikiran dan membuat tubuh kalian menjadi lebih baik.
stressed? Try to control your emotions!
G'day, BoS (brother of SIFORS)! How is it going? I hope all is well. I am Made Diah Arista Devi, who is familiarly called Devi, an information systems study program student, and I will share information and some important tips to help you survive in the world of college.
Everyone's stress level will increase with age. This phenomenon cannot be separated from the increasing number of problems faced. Students are one of the many groups of people who are vulnerable to stress. Apart from being caused by lecture assignments that sometimes feel heavy, this is also influenced by changes in lifestyle. Being a student means being ready to become an adult, which means most students have to live separately from their families, especially their parents. Coupled with expectations or pressure obtained from the surrounding environment and family, the phenomenon of stress is unavoidable.
Based on personal experience, one thing that I really felt when I was under stress in college was insomnia caused by overthinking. Besides that, the enthusiasm for living life is also reduced, so just eating is lazy and ends with just lying down while playing your cell phone on the bed. In fact, my friends from college sometimes make jokes that reflect their feelings, such as "It's better to get married than stress from going to college" and so on. This joke often shows that students are in a state of almost giving up because of the burden of studying. Not infrequently, stress can also interfere with productivity, which in the end not only disturbs mental calm but can also interfere with physical health.
Now! That's where awareness is needed for controlling emotions. Why? because emotions are very influential on the presence of stress. Emotions that are often suppressed can increase a person's stress. Keeping emotions in check is akin to keeping a time bomb that can go off at any time and in any place.But BoS already understands what emotion really is, what? In your opinion, is emotion just sadness or just anger? Certainly not!
According to psychology, emotion is a complex response pattern that involves experience, behavior, and physiology to deal with problems or important events experienced by individuals. So, a person's emotions are not based only on big things but can also be influenced by small things. We always live with emotions, and the emotions that arise can be either positive or negative.
Even though emotions exist within everyone, not everyone understands how to control them. The reality is that controlling emotions is not easy. Indeed, emotions are a natural thing, but you need the ability to apply ways to control your emotions according to your own condition. This is where the role of emotional management is needed, so you have to know about emotional management, right?
Simply put, emotional management is the ability to understand, accept, control, and express one's emotions. So, it's not just a way to control your emotions, BoS! With this ability, you are able to adapt to situations that trigger emotions. You can also know yourself better because you can recognize and control your emotions, especially stress. about how to control emotions through emotional management, huh? Here's the description!
Calm down
The first thing you must do is calm down to relieve your emotions and get your mind focused again. By winning yourself, it makes it easier for you to make the right decision. You can sit down, take a few deep breaths, and exhale to calm your mind.
Think positively
Sometimes, when you are hit by a difficult problem, you will focus more on thinking about the best way out. In fact, it's not the problem that creates the negative reaction, but the bad thoughts and assumptions you create for yourself. By stopping yourself from thinking about the worst possible thing and not allowing yourself to sink into negative emotions, Can you avoid thinking too much about problems that can actually help lighten your burden a little?
Get to know your emotions.
Recognizing all the emotions that exist in you is one way to control your emotions. The emotions that are in you are a part of yourself that will always be there. You need to know and better understand all the emotions that exist so that you can control them in a good and proper way. Exercising
Exercise can stimulate chemicals in the brain so that you are more relaxed and happy. When you exercise, your energy will be drained positively so that it can distract your mind and make your body better.
Praying according to belief is very useful in controlling emotions. You can use prayers to help your heart and mind relax.Furthermore, surrendering to God makes you stronger in the face of a problem and more sincere in accepting the results.
There are times when you need someone else's perspective before acting or understanding yourself better. You can consult a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist to deal with your excessive negative emotions. Writing down negative emotions in a notebook can also give you a new perspective on what you're going through. Make a list of the problems you are facing. Next, deal with each problem one by one to reduce the anxiety you experience.
How are you, boss? You really have to practice this emotional management ability. Even though problems often come back repeatedly, you have to try to keep getting up as proof that you are okay. It doesn't mean you have to cover up your existing emotions because not all problems have to be pointed out; in fact, by accepting sincerely and patiently that not all things can be changed, It shows that you are being professional. It's best if you don't get too caught up in negative emotions; once in a while, looking at the positive side can give you encouragement to act better in the future.
Made Diah Arista Devi