Study Programme Accreditation

Accreditation is the process of evaluating qualifications by using established quality standard criteria and is open. Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) is one of the state universities located in Singaraja-Bali. Undiksha in 2018 has obtained Superior Accreditation. One of the study programs at Undiksha is the Information Systems Study Programme. Currently the IS study programme has been accredited in 2021 and has obtained the Good accreditation.
All accreditation certificates are available on the website

Study Programme Permit

The Information Systems Study Programme is a new study program with an undergraduate level (S-1). Information Systems Study Programme is a non-educational study program under the Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Studies.

The proposed form for the Information Systems Study Programme was prepared by a drafting team who at that time was a permanent lecturer at the Department of Informatics Engineering Education (currently the Informatics Engineering Education Study Program). The proposal team for the Information Systems Study Programme was determined through the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Education Ganesha University number: 39/UN48.11/PP/2017 dated February 1, 2017. The proposal for the Information Systems Study Programme was submitted through the system on September 5, 2017 with a letter introduction regarding the proposal for opening as an addition to the study programme at higher education number 3654/UN48/PP/2017 which was signed by the Undiksha Chancellor on September 4, 2017.

The permit for the opening of the Information Systems Study Programme is stipulated by the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 116/KPT/I/2018 dated February 2, 2018 concerning Permits for the Opening of the Information Systems Study Program for the Undergraduate Programme at Ganesha Education University in Buleleng Regency. Furthermore, for the first time the Information Systems Study Programme began accepting new students in the 2018/2019 academic year.

Study Programme Profile at SINTA

Sinta which stands for Science and Technology Index, Sinta can be said to be "Scopus a la Kemenristek Dikti" which has the same schema and features as a database. Every quality scientific journal will be indexed or entered into the Sinta database. Especially accredited national journals. Sinta was released by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education with the main performance of assessing the performance of journals by taking into account accreditation standards and citations. National journals that have been accredited by ARJUNA (National Journal Accreditation) will automatically enter Sinta.

The features in Sinta have been made similar and almost exactly the same as Scopus for the national journal level. So that in it there are features of Citation, Networking, Research and Score. Lecturers who have the obligation to publish scientific articles in the form of national and international journals. Then they have to work hard to meet accreditation standards in journals so that they can be indexed in Sinta. In addition, Sinta can also view published journals based on affiliation and also by author.

Study Programme Profile at PDDIKTI

The Higher Education Database (Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi/ PDDikti) is a collection of data on the implementation of higher education from all universities that have been integrated nationally. PDDikti is a single database in providing complete and valid data related to basic higher education data, higher education reference data, and higher education transactional data.