Key Concepts of Internship

The ideal internship is a total immersion apprentice or directly involved in the industry for a certain period of time, so that students can directly experience the work culture in the industry. Students are expected to directly absorb the work culture applied in the industry, which of course cannot be obtained without coming directly to the industry.

Type of Internship

  1. Regular MBKM Internship (coordinated by PKK PV LPPPM Undiksha)
    Project Based Internship
  2. Internship MBKM MSIB (coordinated by the Ministry)
  3. Certified SOE Internship (coordinated by UPT PKKM Undiksha)

The Role of the Academic Advisor

  • Regardless of the type of internship pursued, students MUST consult and seek approval from their Academic Advisor.
  • The study program does not accept the results of an internship whose process is not in consultation with the Academic Advisor.
  • Academic Advisors have the administrative authority to approve or reject a student's program topic (project) or internship. Further corrections/guidance regarding the substance of the project topic and the implementation of the internship are carried out by the supervising lecturer

Internship PIC of Information Systems Study Programme

  • Even Semester 2022/2023 : I Made Dendi Maysanjaya, S.Pd., M.Eng.
  • Odd Semester 2023/2024 : I Gusti Lanang Agung Raditya Putra, S.Pd., M.T.

Cooperation PIC of Information Systems Study Programme

  • Odd Semester 2023/2024 : I Gusti Lanang Agung Raditya Putra, S.Pd., M.T

Supervisor Internship Information Systems Study Programme

  1. I Made Ardwi Pradnyana, S.T., M.T.
  2. I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, S.Kom., M.Sc.
  3. I Gusti Lanang Agung Raditya Putra, S.Pd., M.T.
  4. I Made Dendi Maysanjaya, S.Pd., M.Eng.
  5. Putu Yudia Pratiwi, S.Pd., M.Eng.
  6. I Made Edy Listartha, S.Kom., M.Kom.
  7. Gede Arna Jude Saskara, S.T.,M.T.
  8. I Gusti Ayu Agung Diatri Indradewi, S.Kom., M.T.
  9. Gede Surya Mahendra, S.Pd.,M.Kom.

Project Based Internship

An activity, work, or manufacture of a product related to the industrial needs of the internship place and in accordance with the competencies developed by students. The process of implementing the project receives assistance from supervising lecturers and mentors, starting from the planning, implementation, to evaluation stages.

Internship activities carried out are identified as projects if they meet the following requirements:

  1. The project means not routine work in the industry.
  2. The project relates to the competencies targeted by the Internship program and enhances experience in the field of Information Systems.
  3. The project is carried out within the timeframe according to the internship schedule.
  4. Projects are approved and assessed by mentors, supervisors and examiners.
  5. Projects are presented and handed over to industry at the end of the program.

The project undertaken is in the form of making products such as information systems, documents and so on that contribute to the progress of the Intern partner industry. Internship topics that can be raised in the Internship report must be relevant to the field of Information Systems science, which is described as follows:

  1. Information system development (desktop, mobile, web based) and its documentation.
  2. Creation of documents such as enterprise architecture documents, business process maps, network mapping designs and others for the organization's IT management and governance.
  3. Other topics based on consultation with the Academic Advisor and approval from the Study Program Coordinator.

Internship Terms

  1. Registered as a student of the Information Systems Study Program
  2. Have taken at least 100 credits of compulsory courses (subjects according to the compulsory internship plan have passed)
  3. Has passed the Information Systems Research Methods course
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0
  5. Programming the internship course in KRS in the semester the internship course appears (14 credits)
  6. Obtain a letter of acceptance for apprenticeship at the intended government/private agency
  7. Students carry out internships individually
  8. One internship place is allowed to consist of 3 - 5 apprentices (or according to the policy of the internship place)
  9. During the internship, students are not allowed to take other courses.
  10. The choice of Internship place for Undergraduate Information Systems Study Program students must have a clear organizational structure in which there is an IT division within
    Examples of target institutions for internships:
    1. Software house
    2. Government agencies
    3. State Owned Enterprises (BUMN)
    4. Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD)
    5. Banking
    6. Hospital
    7. Private company at least limited partnership (CV)
    8. Other places related to Technology, Information and Communication (ICT)
  11. The location of the MANDATORY Regular MBKM internship is in the Province of Bali
  12. Agencies are willing to assign mentors with IT backgrounds to guide intern students.

Internship Advisor

Intern Advisors consist of Field Supervisors and Mentors. Field Supervisors are Study Program lecturers who are determined by the Study Program Coordinator, while mentors are determined by the leader of the Internship. Field supervisor or supervisor = lecturer examiner. Field Supervisor Requirements consist of:

  • The minimum status is "CPNS" or at least has the functional position of expert assistant
  • Willing to guide internship students

The guidance given to apprentice students is divided into:

  • General guidance is carried out to direct/guidance students in preparing, starting, and carrying out the Internship.
    This general guidance is carried out to solve common problems that occur during the Internship.
    General guidance is carried out at least 2 times.
    During guidance, the supervising lecturer is expected to be able to:
    (1) Help bridge the relationship between Students and Mentors in the industry,
    (2) Help solve problems faced by students,
    (3) Perform supervision.
  • Incidental guidance is guidance carried out by supervisors and or the Internship Committee when certain events occur that immediately require handling.

Supervisors who are unable to carry out their duties can be replaced. The replacement of the supervising lecturer is carried out by the Study Program Coordinator.

Internship Output for Students

  1. Internship Proposal

  2. Output on Internship ISM
    (1) Daily Journal Input
    (2) Input blog links
    (3) Upload the final internship report file complete with attachments such as logbook/daily journal, manual book for system development etc.

  3. Video testimonials from partners (leaders/mentors) with a duration of 5 minutes

  4. Internship program poster A3

  5. Apprentice product videos

    Note: Internships that produce a form of software will become the property of the study program. Study programs can use or publish the Internship product.

Internship Rules of Conduct

Students who take an internship must comply with the rules that apply in the Information Systems Undergraduate Study Program and at the internship site. In general, the rules that must be obeyed by internship students consist of:

  1. Students must maintain the good name of their alma mater, Ganesha University of Education
  2. Students must dress neatly, cleanly, and politely
  3. Students must maintain ethics and manners
  4. Other things can adjust to the conditions at the internship

Regular MBKM Internship Schedule for Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Deadline for students to take part in internships in the even semester of 2022/2023: 3 February 2023.
    Students who do not receive confirmation until that date are directed to take part in an internship program in the Odd semester of 2023/2024 or take part in other types of internship programs.
  • Deadline for submitting internship proposals: February 16, 2022
    Initial internship project topic (administration) in consultation with Academic Advisers and Mentors
    Details of further internship projects (substance) are consulted with Supervisors and Mentors
  • Other activities follow the MBKM apprentice schedule set by PKKPV LPPPM Undiksha.

Intern Support Documents