The Indonesian Student Micro Credential (Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia/ KKMI), is a program that provides opportunities for students to study off campus. The KMMI program is also to shape students into qualified future leaders. In addition, KMMI is also designed as a medium to bridge the gap between higher education and the world of work and industry.

The KMMI program offers a more dynamic, competitive, demand-driven learning alternative to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed in various scientific fields needed by industry and or entrepreneurship in the form of idea discovery, product or service creation, business models, business management. , marketing, sales, investment, to student business development.

The KMMI program provides certificates that can be submitted to universities for the conversion of course credits and portfolios on Certificate Companion Diplomas (SKPI) as well as other acknowledgments in accordance with the rules applicable at each university. As a medium to bridge the gap between higher education and the world of work and industry.

KKMI Benefits for Companies

  • Get information on potential students in higher education who have skills that match the needs of the world of work and industry.
  • Get information on the potential of students to become partners in the world of work and industry

KKMI Benefits for Higher Education (Universities)

  • KMMI is a complementary learning program to improve students' knowledge and skills in the world of work and industry that supports the implementation of the Merdeka Learning program - Merdeka Campus (MBKM).
  • KMMI program as an actualization and reference material used in the world of work and industry.
  • Industrial cooperation in the KMMI program provides higher education opportunities in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education.

KKMI Benefits for Students

  • Provide actual learning experiences and are needed in the industrial world as an alternative form of learning obtained in universities.
  • Provide learning hard skills and soft skills as skill reinforcement for students.
  • Support student activities in the context of implementing MBKM.

Strengthen and increase student competence.